HOME > Support > Matters that demand special attention
Do not use at the condition of 60¡É abobe, because the cover and base of the new type meter is made of the plastic.
Do not contact the soldering iron with the meter terminals directly. And do not contact the soldering iron with
000the case when wiring.
Do not wash out the ceter window strongly, because it was applied with the electrification preventive.
Apply the electrification preventive to the cover when removing the electrification preventive effect.
000When removing the electrification preventive or being worse the preventive effect, the needle of meter is moved
000by the light rubbing the cover, and the needle of meter doesn't indicate normally. The preventive effect is
000worse when low humdity condition like winter's dryness.
Be careful that the meter case is apt to saturate the chemicals(thinner, benzene, alcohal etc)